Rimmer de Vries
Saline, Michigan
Email: rdevries@oldtulips.org
Rimmer grows many alpine flora and bulbous plants in a temperate environment with attempts at raised bed rock gardens, tufa beds, hypertufa troughs, sunken peat beds and bulb frames and has had some success growing species and hybrid lilies in the garden and in protected frames. He also raises old hybrid tulips, primarily the very early Duc van Tol tulips, Single Earlies and Single Late tulips which include Cottage tulips, Darwin tulips and Breeder tulips and some of the more colorful species tulips and the recent Janis Ruksans hybrids of T. VVedenskyi. He previously grew many broken tulips but with the recent addition of many lilies has transferred all the broken tulips to Hortus Tulipus.