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 Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-1915: Class 6 - English Florists' Breeders

Report of the
Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-1915

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[For General Classification see p. 9. Names in italics are synonyms. The date of flowering given below and the duration of the flower are for the year 1915 and represent the order in which the varieties may be expected to flower rather than the exact date of flowering, which will vary from year to year; it will also vary according to the source and time of planting of the bulbs. The dates are taken, as a rule, from bulbs which had been grown for two years at Wisley and had been planted at the same time. The heights are measured from the same bulbs and are relative only.]

The English Florists' Tulip is differentiated from the Dutch and other strains of the original stock (1) by its shape, (2) by its base. The shape must be that of a cup with a spherical base, when fully expanded about half a hollow ball (type 'Dr. Hardy '); a shortish claret glass approximates closely to the desired shape. The petals must be broad, rounded, and should be level on the top when open. The base must be free from any green or blue stain, and should be well-defined brilliant white or yellow, according to the class. English Tulips are divided, like the Dutch, into Roses (rose on white ground), Bybloemen (purple on white ground), and Bizarres (yellow grounds); beginning as breeders they break into marked flowers (see p. 100). The colouring is generally brighter than that which prevails in the Dutch and Darwin classes. Many of the English Tulips are unsuited for cultivation in the ordinary border, as they lack vigour and the flowers are easily knocked about by wind or rain; in rich soil also the marking is apt to lose its character. The following varieties, however, are good doers with strong constitutions, increasing freely and standing the weather under ordinary garden cultivation; they are also among the best for exhibition, and are all obtainable. The English Tulips preserve the same name in both breeder and broken states. Many varieties appear in both Class VI. and IX. (p. 100), and it should be remembered that their habits as regards earliness, height, and shape are identical in both breeder and broken states.

The names in brackets are those of the raisers.

Table of Contents for English Breeder Tulips

  • a. Roses. -- Definition: Rose shades, with white base. Annie McGregor, Mabel, Mrs. Barlow, Rose Hill.
  • b. Bybloemen. -- Definition: Purple shades, with white base. Adonis, Elizabeth Pegg, Talisman.
  • c. Bizarres. -- Definition: Brown shades, with yellow base. Sir Joseph Paxton, Samuel Barlow, Sulphur, Goldfinder.

a. Roses.

Annie McGregor (Martin).*—Dwarf; good cup, bright rosy scarlet, with brilliant white base. Grows well and increases freely; 18 inches; May 9, 18 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.

Lady Grosvenor.—Below medium height. Fair cup, though the outer segments stand apart; pale dull rose, with a conspicuous white streak up the petal. Valueless when broken; 20 inches; May 8, 17 days.

Mabel (Martin).—Below medium height. Large long cup; the segments hook in a little at the tips. Pale soft rose, with good white base. Strong constitution; grows and increases well; 22 inches; May 6, 19 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.

Mrs. Barlow (Hepworth).—Tall; fine cup, a little longish; soft rose with fine wide white base. One of the best Rose Breeders, but not very common. When broken the markings are indistinct and the flower of little value; 24 inches; May 8, 17 days.

Rose Hill (Oldfield).—Below medium height; large perfectly shaped cup, deep crimson with wide white base; good constitution, increases well; 18 inches; May 8, 17 days

b. Bybloemen.

Adonis (Headley).—Tall; fine open cup, rich purple, with wide white base; smooth and shining, but a little lacking in substance. Good constitution, increases freely; 26 inches; May 10, 15 days.

Elizabeth Pegg (Camp).—Late. Tall; small, good cup, light rosy- purple, with fine wide base; bold black anthers; glossy and attractive; 24 inches; May 8, 17 days.

Talisman (Hardy).—Tall; dark slaty-purple, with fine wide base; good cup, but outer segments reflex when aged. Good constitution; increases freely; 24 inches; May 10, 15 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.

c. Bizarres.

Alfred Lloyd (Lloyd).—Tall, early. The finest Bizarre Breeder; perfectly-shaped cup of rich red-brown with a wide shining base; segments stout, and stands well. Breaks with indefinite markings, and, though attractive, has then no exhibition value.

Cyclops = Goldfinder, q.v.

Goldfinder (Hepworth).—Tall; fine cup, brilliant scarlet, with a clear golden base. Very rich and glowing colour; foliage glaucous; good constitution and increases freely, but breaks very readily, in which state the markings lack character, though the flower is still bright and attractive; 24 inches; May 8, 17 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.

Samuel Barlow (Storer).—Medium height; early. Large perfect cup, rich brown, with a small yellow base; stigma very large. Vigorous; increases rapidly. One of the very best; 20 inches; May 8, 17 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.

Sir Joseph Paxton (Willison).—Tall; fine cup, chocolate-brown, with clear yellow base. Vigorous grower and stands well; 24 inches; May 8, 18 days. The best English Tulip. A chance seedling from ' Trafalgar.'

Sulphur (Birtwistle).—Tall; wide segments, mustardy yellow with brown shading, opening to a triangular form; sweetly scented . good grower and increaser; 24 inches . May 12, 13 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.

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