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[For General Classification see p. 9. Names in italics are synonyms. The date of flowering given below and the duration of the flower are for the year 1915 and represent the order in which the varieties may be expected to flower rather than the exact date of flowering, which will vary from year to year; it will also vary according to the source and time of planting of the bulbs. The dates are taken, as a rule, from bulbs which had been grown for two years at Wisley and had been planted at the same time. The heights are measured from the same bulbs and are relative only.]
In this Class the varieties are arranged as they might be in a border so that they form a sequence with the most typically coloured flower of the section about the middle and thence grading ofí towards the sections above and below it.
”(Conf.)” indicates that the varieties appear at the Conference only and not in the trials at Wisley.
Tulips with names in bold below still survive, and will be found under "By Category / Single Late Tulips" on this website. Please help us identify other tulips in this list that also survive in gardens today.
.The form of the flowers in Cottage Tulips falls into four types, which are indicated in the descriptions, viz.:
type 1.—Cup-shaped, e.g. 'Bouton d'Or' Fig. 1.
2.—Pointed, e.g. 'Mrs. Moon' Fig. 2.
3.—Egg-shaped, e.g. 'John Ruskin' Fig. 3.
4.—Segments reflexed, e.g. 'Retroflexa' Fig. 4.
Cottage Tulip Shapes: Image Captions -- left to right: Figure 1: Cottage Tulip – 'Bouton d’Or' (described as cup shaped); Figure 2: Cottage Tulip - 'Mrs. Moon' (described as pointed). Figure 3: Cottage Tulip – 'John Ruskin' (described as egg-shaped). Figure 4: Cottage Tulip – 'Retroflexa' (described as segments reflexed). Click images for larger versions.
Dora.—Type 1. Medium size; outer segments reflexed; base yellow blotched of the form in Fig. 5; 17 inches; April 30,19 days.
The Bride.—Type 1. Substance poor; base blotched pale yellow of the form in Fig. 5; filaments pale yellow. (Conf.)
Beauty of America.—Type 2. Substance fair; base and filaments tinged yellow; 19 inches; May 8, 13 days.
Dame Blanche.—Type 2. Substance fair; base blotched yellow (Fig. 5); filaments yellow; 21 inches; April 30, 20 days.
Cygnet.—Type 1. Small, of good form and substance; 24 inches; May 8, 18 days.
Parisian White.—Type 1. Form good; white, tinged pink in the upper part of each segment when old; 22 inches; May 7,17 days.
Innocence.—Type 3. Form and substance fair; base blotched yellow (Fig. 5); filaments yellow; 23 inches; May 7, 18 days.
Niphetos.—Type 2. A white form of ' Didieri '; 25 inches; May 6, 15 days.
Silver Crown.—Type 2. Opening wide; 18 inches; May 6,15 days.
Royal White.—Type 1. Form and substance good; base with a diffuse yellow blotch; stigma large; 17 inches; April 27, 20 days.
Water-lily.—Type 1. Of great substance, white more or less slightly flaked rose-red; 16 inches; April 20, 20 days. A semi-early variety.
Albiftora = Silver Crown, q.v.
Dame Élégant = Dame Blanche, q.v.
Didieri alba = Niphetos, q.v.
Gilt Crown = Beauty of America, q.v.La Candeur = Parisian White, q.v.
Snowdon = Parisian White, q.v.
Suaveolens alba = Water-lily, q.v.
Perle Royale.—Type 1. White, more or less flushed and feathered with purplish pink; filaments blue; 27 inches; May 15, 15 days.
Virginalis.—Type 2. Substance fair; white, feathered and flushed with pink; base blue, as in Fig. 5; 22 inches; May 7, 17 days.
Rose Unique.—Type 1. Form good; 17 inches; April 29, 20 days.
Merry Maid.—Type 2. Ground white, when young creamy to very pale yellow; base pale yellow, as in Fig. 5; 20 inches; May 8, 17 days.
Rose Swan.—Type 1. Rather long, substance fair; base yellow as in Fig. 5; 18 inches; April 29, 19 days.
Silver Queen.—Type 2. A form of ' Isabella ' (IVc) with white ground-colour and slightly paler markings.
Carnation.—Type 2. Form and substance good; filaments clear white; 21 inches; May 8, 17 days.
Picotee.—Type 2. Form and substance good; at first the segments are feathered rose, which gradually flushes over the whole segment as the flower ages ' pollen green; 24 inches; May 8, 14 days.
La Vierge.—Type 2. A variety resembling but inferior to 'Picotee '; 27 inches; May 10, 15 days.
Milkmaid.—Type 2. Resembles ' Picotee/ but has a distinct fawn-blotched base; 20 inches; May 8,17 days.
Sweet Nancy.—Type 2. Segments reflexed at tips when old; base and filaments bluish; 21 inches; May 7, 16 days.
Elegans alba.—Type 4. The fine form and substance of 'Elegans' (IVf), but with slightly wider segments, white, with a fine wire-edge of rose-red; 24 inches; May 8, 23 days.
Snowdon.—Type 3. Of fair form and substance, and of medium size; 18 inches; May 15, 15 days.
Gesneriana albo-marginata = Sweet Nancy, q.v.
Maiden's Blus = Picotee, q.v.
Narbonensis alba — Sweet Nancy, q.v.
Rose Crown = Virginalis, q.v.
White Crown = Elegans alba, q.v.
Corona lutea.—Type 2. Substance fair, pale lemon-yellow, flaked and stippled with rose; base blotched light fawn as in Fig. 5; 21 inches; May 8, 20 days.
Marjoletti.—Type 2. Ground cream, becoming white; base blotched pale blue as in Fig. 5; filaments pale blue; 25 inches; May 8, 18 days.
Rose Pompon.—Ground cream, becoming white; pink edge spreads with age; 23 inches; May 11, 15 days.
Didieri lutescens.—Type 2. A form of ' Didieri ' (IW); base blotched black as in Fig. 5; 23 inches; May 6,15 days.
Eva.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; base as in Fig. 5; pale yellow. (Conf.)
Rose Mignon.—Type 4. Small, slightly flaked; base pale yellow as in Fig. 5; 21 inches; May 7, 17 days.
Maid of Honour.—Type 1. A form of ' Didieri ' (IVa), very close to 'Didieri lutescens.'
Maid of Holland.—Type 2. Cream to pale yellow, spotted and flaked rose-red; base blotched olive as in Fig. 5; 18 inches; May 8, 19 days.
Innovation.—Type 3. Form and substance good; flush very deep; base blue and yellow; filaments blue above the middle; 23 inches; May 10, 15 days.
Pride of Inglescombe.—Type 2. Form and substance good; base small, blotched blue as in Fig. 5, and tinged yellow; 23 inches; May 11, 15 days.
Pauline.—Type 1. Small, substance fair; base blotched pale yellow as in Fig. 5. (Conf.)
Orpheus.—Type 2. Large, good substance; base blotched yellow, as in Fig. 5, blue around ovary; 24 inches; May 7, 17 inches.
Isabella.—Type 2, almost 3. Form and substance good; base blotched blue and yellow of the form in Fig. 5; stem strong; 18 inches; May 6, 18 days.
General Vetter.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; base blotched slaty blue as in Fig. 5; filaments blue; 20 inches; May 12, 16 days.
Yellow Picotee.—Type 2. Differs from ' Picotee ' (IVb) only in its ivory yellow ground; 21 inches; May 18, 15 days.
York and Lancaster.—Type 2, almost 3. A pale break from 'Isabella'
Lady Roberts.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; stem weak; 12 inches; April 23, 16 days. A semi-early variety.
Blushing Bride = Isabella, q.v.
Gesneriana Bridesmaid = Maid of Holland, q.v.
Irish Beauty = General Vetter, q.v.
Shandon Bells = Isabella, q.v.
Pluto.—Type 1. Substance fair, colour rather dull; base white, with a blue ring; 24 inches; May 7, 17 days.
La Parisienne.—Type 2. Form fair; base blue, edged white, form as in Fig. 5. (Conf.)
Rose Beauty.—Type 1. Outer segments spreading; base as in Fig. 5, blue and yellow; 24 inches; May 5,16 days.
Mary Hollis.—Type 1. Form fair, colour deep and dull; base tinged yellow; 23 inches; May 5, 15 days.
Glaucopsis.—Type 2. Quarters badly; base as in Fig. 5, dull blue; filaments bluish; 19 inches; May 10, 16 days.
Hatfield Pink.—Type 2. Form fair, substance good; base as in Fig. 5, large, white, tinged yellow near ovary; filaments yellow; 19 inches; May 10, 16 days.
Platystigma.—Type 2. Small, form fair; base as in Fig. 5, yellowish, tinged blue; 20 inches; May 7, 13 days. One of the famous " thief " Tulips, probably the most common.
Didieri.—Type 2. Shapely, of good substance; inside soft colour, outside flushed salmon; base white, tinged with yellow, and with a large blue blotch on the outer and a smaller on the inner segments; filaments yellow, olive above the middle; 24 inches; May 6, 15 days.
Cottager.—Type 2. Attractive, form and substance fair; base as in Fig. 5, white, tinged with yellow and somewhat blotched olive; filaments yellow, olive at apex; 22 inches; May 8,17 days.
Inglescombe Pink.—Type 1. Large form and substance good; colour good, much deeper outside; base as in Fig. 5, pale blue; 25 inches; May 8, 17 days.
Sir Harry.—Type 2. Above medium size, of good form and substance, colour soft and clear; base white, with a blue ring; 21 inches; May 4, 19 days. The " breeder " form of ' Sir Harry.'
Mrs. Kerrell.—Type 2, almost 3. Large, of fair substance; base white, with a blue ring; 22 inches; May 10, 16 days.
George Broadbridge.—Type 2. Form and substance fair, colour a little hard; base white, with a pale blue ring; 20 inches; May 10, 16 days.
May Queen.—Type 1. Large, of Darwin shape, but of much less substance; colour good; base blue, as in Fig. 6; 30 inches; May 3, 15 days.
Arentine Arenasen = May Queen, q.v.
Parisian Aurore = Inglescombe Pink, q.v.
Salmon Queen = Inglescombe Pink, q.v.
Cottage Tulip Coloration Patterns: Image Captions -- left to right: Figure 5: Cottage tulip – 'Gesneriana Spathulate', base blue. Figure 6: Darwin Tulip - 'Sieraad van Flora', base blue, white raved. (Although this example is a Darwin, some Cottage Tullips share this appearance.) Figure 7: Cottage Tulip – 'Scarlet Emperor', base rich yellow. Figure 8 Cottage Tulip – 'Rose Beauty', base white, edged blue. Click images for larger versions.
Cottage Tulip Coloration Patterns: Image Captions -- left to right: Figure 9: Cottage Tulip – 'Cleopatra', base black, edged gold. Figure 10: Cottage Tulip – 'Coronation Scarlet', base black, edged yellow. Figure 11: Cottage Tulip – 'Strangulata Primulina', base black. Figure 12 Darwin Tulip – 'Prof. Rawenhof', base blue, flushed with white. (Although this example is a Darwin, some Cottage Tullips share this appearance.) Click images for larger versions.
Oriana.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; colour dull, becoming almost flesh colour at the margins of the segments; base large, greenish, yellow around the ovary and ringed with blue; filaments greenish; 24 inches; May 3, 16 days.
Maltese Cross.—Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana '; base blue, with a large white region; 24 inches; May 10, 18 days.
Crimson Flame.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; outside of midribs of segments white, deep cerise paler at margin; base large, indefinite, white; 24 inches; May 10, 15 days.
Rosetta.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; segments have a fringed white margin; base white, the form of Fig. 7; 25 inches; May 5, 19 days.
Blue Star.—Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana '; base with the fine blue-blotched base of ' Gesneriana spathulata ' (Fig. 5); 24 inches; May 10,18 days.
Rosalind.—Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana '; base white of the form in Fig. 7, with a pale fawn blotch on each segment; 25 inches; May го, 19 days.
Rose Beauty.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; base white and blue as in Fig. 8; 25 inches; May 5,16 days.
Cassandra.—Type 2. Form and substance good, colour clear; base white of the form in Fig. 8; 21 inches; May 6, 16 days.
Gesneriana rosea = Blue Star, q.v.
Gesneriana rosea Stella = Maltese Cross, q.v.
Gesneriana oculata White Star = Rosalind, q.v.
Gesneriana rosea albo-oculata = Rosalind, q.v.
Rose Queen = Rosalind, q.v.
Othello.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; base large, circular, blackish olive; filaments blackish. (Conf.)
Elvira.—Type 3. Form good, substance fair; base pale yellow as in Fig. 5; 22 inches; May 17, n days.
Orlando.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; base as in Fig. 7, white, blotched blue; 18 inches; May 6,15 days.
Emin Pasha.—Type 1. Substance fair; base as in Fig. 8, white, with a blue margin; 28 inches; May 3,19 days.
Elegans.—Type 4. Form and substance good, colour deep; base as in Fig. 5, yellow; 20 inches; April 29, 17 days.
Saracenica.—Type 1. Form fair; base circular, large, dull olive; filaments olive; 20 inches; May 3,15 days.
The Coon.—Type 3. Rather pointed. A form of ' Maculata ' resembling ' The Nigger '; 26 inches; May 12, 16 days.
The Moor.—Type 3. A form of ' Maculata '; base as Fig. 9, black; 26 inches; May 12, 16 days.
The Nigger.—Type 3, but rather pointed. A form of ' Maculata '; base as Fig. 5; 26 inches; May 12, 16 days.
Cleopatra.—Type 2-3. A large flower, resembling ' Glare of the Garden '; 21 inches; May 3, 21 days. (Fig. 9.)
Glare of the Garden.—Type 2-3. A form of ' Maculata.' Large, form and substance good, colour deep; base of the form in Fig. 9, black and yellow; filaments black; 20 inches; May 6, 19 days.
Couranti Fulgens.—Type 3-4. Form good, substance fair; base as in Fig. 7 with a blue margin; 19 inches; May 3,17 days.
Macrospeila.—Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana '; base as in Fig. 7, white, tinged with yellow, and a deep, dull blue blotch on each segment; filaments blue; 24 inches; May 12, 17 days.
Segusiana.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; base large, inde- finite yellow, stained with olive; filaments stained olive; 25 inches; May 5,14 days.
Aximensis.—Type 3. Form and substance good; colour deep, with a white beam on the outer segments; base as in Fig. 9, blue-black, with a yellow margin; filaments deep blue; 25 inches; May 8, 18 days.
Pompadour.—Type 3. Form and substance good; base as in Fig. 5, blue; 22 inches; May 11, 18 days.
Shahzada.—Type 4. Shallow, open form like ' Fulgens '; colour dull; base as in Fig. 8, yellow and blue; 22 inches; May 8, 17 days.
Fulgens.—Type 4. Large, form and substance very good, colour deep and clear; base as Fig. 7, creamy; filaments purplish below, bluish above the middle; 34 inches; May 3, 23 days. A robust and showy garden plant.
Fulmina.—Type 4. A variety with the distinct form, stature, base and filaments of ' Fulgens,' of which it is probably a broken form. Colour deep and dull, with markings of ox-blood red.
General Roberts.—Type 3-4. A form of ' Maculata '; base as Fig. 10, blue and yellow; 16 inches; May 6, 15 days.
Mrs. W. O. Wolseley.—Type 2. Form and substance good; base as Fig. 5, yellow with an elliptic black blotch on each segment; 26 inches; May 10, 15 days.
Gesneriana spathulata.—Type 2. Large, of good substance, opening well; colour bright and clear; base as Fig. 5, clear bright blue; 28 inches; May 8, 18 days. A strong and brilliant garden flower. (Fig. 5.)
Retroflexa Mars.—Type 4. Segments rounded, spreading; base as Fig. 5, deep olive, with a yellow margin; filaments olive; 19 inches; May 8, 18 days.
Elegans rubra.—Type 4. A dull-coloured form of ' Elegans.'
Crimson Globe = Cleopatra, q.v.
Crimson Pompadour = Pompadour, q.v.
Gesneriana major = Gesneriana spathulata, q.v.
Lord Byron = Elvira, q.v.
Maculata globosa grandiflora = Glare of the Garden, q.v.
Maculata globosa nana = Cleopatra, q.v.
Mars.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; base as Fig. 9. black and yellow; filaments black; 24 inches; May 12, 14 days.
Planifolia.—Type 3. Small, form fair; rather short segments, yellow at tips; base as Fig. 11, black; 24 inches; May 8, 20 days.
Scarlet Beauty.—Type 2. Form good, substance fair; base as Fig. 8, deep yellow, stained with olive; 22 inches; May 5,16 days.
Feu Ardent.—Type 1 to 2. Form and substance good; base as Fig. 7, deep yellow; filaments deep yellow; 26 inches; April 30, 20 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Scarlet Mammoth.—Type 1. Very large, rather loose; base as in Fig. 7, small, deep yellow; 14 inches; May 3,16 days.
Red Standard.—Type 3. Short, rather small, occasionally streaked with darker red; base as in Fig. 10, deep yellow, with an elliptic orange blotch on each segment; filaments olive; 19 inches; May I0, 15 days.
Sunlight.—Type 1. Small, inferior; base as in Fig. 7, yellow and olive. (Conf.)
Inglescombe Scarlet.—Type 2. Form and substance good; base as in Fig. 11, black, with yellow points; 26 inches; May 8, 18 days.
Scarlet Emperor.—Type 2. Form good, substance fair; base as Fig. 7, deep yellow; filaments yellow; 23 inches; May 8, 16 days.
Coronation Scarlet.—Type 2. Form and substance good; base as Fig. 10, yellow, with an olive blotch; filaments olive; 21 inches; May 10, 14 days.
Beau Brummell.—Type 2. Form and substance good; base as Fig. 5, olive; filaments olive; 25 inches; May 10, 16 days.
Mauriana.—Type 2. Form and substance good, outside orange; base as Fig. 8, deep yellow; filaments brownish; 27 inches; May 10, 16 days.
Norman Knight.—Type 3. Rather short, substance good; base as Fig. 8, yellow, stained olive; filaments stained olive; 18 inches; May 8, 17 days.
Mammoth = Scarlet Mammoth, q.v.
Flame.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; deep yellow, with a purplish-red flush; base indefinite, heavily blotched olive; stem rather weak; 27 inches; May 8, 20 days.
Firefly.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; deep yellow, with a purplish-red flush; base indefinite, yellow, with a heavy olive blotch; filaments stained; 24 inches; May 10,16 days.
Emerald Gem.—Type 2. Form good, substance fair; base as Fig. 12, bright green; filaments black above the middle; 25 inches; May I0, 16 days.
Boyne.—Type 1. Small, substance good; base as Fig. 10, blackish and yellow. (Conf.)
Lion d'Orange.—Type 2. Form and substance good; base as Fig. 7, large, deep yellow; 27 inches; May 3, 20 days.
Caledonia.—Type 1. Form and substance good; base as Fig. 9, yellow, blotched olive; filaments olive above the middle; 22 inches; May 10,16 days.
Hammer Hales.—Type 1-3. A large flower; base as in Fig. 10, pale olive and yellow; 25 inches; May 10, 16 days.
Boadicea.—Type 2-3. Rather short, a smaller, rather more pointed flower than ' Hammer Hales '; base as in Fig. 8, yellow, with a broad olive margin; 29 inches; May 8, 18 days.
Audley.—Type 2. Large, substance fair; base circular, yellow, streaked olive; 18 inches; May 10, 12 days.
Claudius.—Type 2-3. Small, fair substance; base as Fig. 8, yellow, stained olive; 22 inches; May 10, 15 days.
Orange King.—Type 3. Form and substance good; base yellow, with a faint olive margin and an olive blotch on each outer segment; 29 inches; May 8,19 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Orange Globe.—Type 1-2. A form of ' Gesneriana.' Form and substance good; base as Fig. 10, dull olive brown, with a yellow margin; filaments black; 24 inches; May 11, 16 days.
Orange Beauty.—Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana.' Large, opening well; form good, substance fair; outside with a purplish flush; base indefinite, yellow, streaked with olive; filaments olive; 26 inches; May 10, 16 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Globe of Fire.—Type 2. A form of 'Gesneriana.' Large, form and substance good; base large, pale olive-black; filaments olive- brown; 30 inches; May 12, 14 days.
Grenadier.—Type 3. Large, form and substance good; colour very bright; base as in Fig. 7, yellow; 21 inches; May 8, 17 days.
Orange Queen.—Type 1. Medium size, form and substance fair; base circular, large, yellow, blotched with olive; 23 inches; May 10, 15 days.
Marksman.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; base as in Fig. 7, yellow, blotched with olive; filaments green; 18 inches; May 10, 15 days.
Orange Coquette.—Type 2. Form and substance good, washed orange on a yellow ground, and flushed purple outside; filaments blue at apex; 17 inches; May 6, 19 days.
Mandarin.—Type 2. Small, form and substance fair, yellow, pencilled and stippled with scarlet; base as in Fig. 11, large, blackish olive; filaments blue; 20 inches; May 10, 15 days.
Old Gold.—Type 2. Form and substance fair, deep yellow, heavily pencilled and flushed with deep scarlet; base as in Fig. 10, olive- black; filaments black; 23 inches; May 11, 15 days.
Salmon Prince.—Type 1. Form and substance good; base as Fig. 7 or circular, deep yellow; filaments yellow; 30 inches; May 11, 18 days.
Aspasia.—Type 2. Small, fair substance, yellow, stippled scarlet; base as Fig. 5, black; filaments blackish; 20 inches; May 10, 17 days.
La Merveille.—Type 2. Large, of fair substance; colour good; base as Fig. 8, small, yellow and olive; filaments stained olive; 26 inches; May 12, 14 days.
Coralie.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; base indefinite, yellow, streaked olive; 23 inches; May 8, 17 days.
De Gesner.—Type 3. Small, form and substance fair; base as Fig. 8, small, olive and yellow. (Conf.)
Gerrarda.—Type 1. Small, form fair, substance good, dull brownish orange; base indefinite, dull yellow; 28 inches; May 10, 18 days.
Indian Prince.—Type 3. Small, form and substance fair, dull orange buf f; base as Fig. 8, yellowish, with a diffuse greenish margin; 20 inches; May 8, 17 days.
General Ney.—Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana.' Smaller, with a streaky base, and generally inferior to 'Orange Beauty' with which variety it is often confused; 24 inches; May 10, 15 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Lucifer.—Type 1. Form and substance good; base more or less circular, ringed with pale olive; filaments olive; 30 inches; May 12, 14 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Gesneriana aurantiaca = Globe of Fire, q.v.
Gesneriana aurantiaca maculata = Orange Globe, q.v.
Torch = Orange Queen, q.v.
Bonfire = Lucifer, q.v.
Coquette d'Orange = Orange Coquette, q.v.
Gorgeous = Lucifer, q.v.
Prince of Orange = Orange Beauty, q.v.
Walter T. Ware.—Type 2. Large, form and substance very good; colour deep. (Conf.)
Bouton d'Or.—Type 1. Of medium size and very fine form and sub- stance; filaments blackish at apex; 25 inches; May 7,21 days. (Fig. 1.)
Yellow Queen.—Type 3. Large, substance fair; 22 inches; May 7, 21 days.
Yellow Emperor.—Type 1. Large, often minutely dotted with red; 22 inches; May 13, 15 days.
Golden Queen.—Type 3. Long, segments rather pointed; 21 inches; May 10, 17 days.
Gesneriana lutea.—Type 2. Large, opening well, clear deep colour; 20 inches; May 8, 19 days.
Mrs. James Robertson.—Type 2. Large, long, form and substance good; base deeper yellow, slightly streaked with olive; filaments streaked with olive above the middle; 27 inches; May 11, 18 days. A variety close to 'Mrs. Moon.'
Mrs. Moon.—Type 2. Large, long, form and substance good; colour clear, with duller blotches at base; 30 inches; May 11, 19 days. (Fig. 2.)
Avis Kennicott.—Type 2. Form and substance good; bright pale yellow, with black streaks at base, filaments black; 22 inches; May 8, 19 days.
Parisian Yellow.—Type 2. A variety resembhng ' Gesneriana lutea '; base blackish; 33 inches; May 16, 14 days.
Golden Spire.—Type 2-3. Form good, substance fair; 25 inches; May 14,15 days.
Golden Goblet.—Type 2. The form and colour of ' Gesneriana lutea,' but larger; 21 inches; May 10,18 days.
Ixioides.—Type 2-3. Form good, opens well; base as Fig. 11, black; filaments black; 26 inches; May 10, 17 days.
Gold Dust.—Type 2. Rather small, substance fair; 21 inches; May 8, 20 days.
Golden Eagle.—Type 1. Rather small, colour bright; 20 inches; April 29, 19 days.
Inglescombe Yellow.—Type 1. Long, form and substance very good; base bluish; 23 inches; May 13, 17 days.
Lady of the Lake.—Type 3. Form fair, pale yellow; 18 inches; May 7,18 days.
Mrs. Keightley.—Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana ' paler than 'Gesneriana lutea,' but of larger size; base blotched with wax-yellow; 23 inches; May 3, 19 days.
Retroflexa superba.—Type 4. A larger, darker-coloured form of 'Retroflexa' (Fig. 4); 23 inches; May 8, 13 days.
Galatica.—Type 2. Small; 13 inches; May 11, 17 days.
Bird of Paradise = Mrs. Keightley, q.v.
Elegans lutea maxima = Golden Spire, q.v.
Fulgens maxima lutea = Mrs. Moon, q.v.
Gesneriana ixioides = Ixioides, q.v.
Gesneriana lutea pallid = Mrs. Keightley, q.v.
Golden Beauty = Bouton d'Or, q.v.
Ida — Bouton d'Or, q.v.
Jaune Pure = Parisian Yellow, q.v.
Mrs. Clarke — Mrs. Moon, q.v.
Vanguard = Parisian Yellow, q.v.
Yellow Goblet = Golden Goblet, q.v.
Yellow Hammer = Golden Goblet, q.v.
Krina.—Type 2. Form fair; 23 inches; May 12, 13 days.
Leghorn Bonnet.—Type 2. Large, form and substance good, outer segments sometimes reflexed; 24 inches; May 10, 16 days.
Retroflexa.—Type 4. Form good, very elegant, substance fair, segments undulate at margin; 24 inches; May 3, 16 days. (Fig. 4.
Ellen Willmott.—Type 2. The form and substance of 'Mrs. Moon' (IVî); 26 inches; May 13, 16 days.
Yellow Gem.—Type 2. Slightly smaller and paler, but otherwise very like 'Mrs. Keightley' (IVi); 24 inches; May 7, 20 days.
Moonlight.—Type 2-3. Large, form and substance good, colour very soft; 21 inches; May 6, 19 days.
Gertrude.—Type 2. Small, form and substance fair. (Conf.)
Flava.—Type 2. Similar to but paler than 'Mrs. Keightley' (IVi); 26 inches; May 13, 16 days.
Solfatare.—Type 4. Large, of good form and substance; base dull; 23 inches; May 10, 17 days.
Primrose Perfection.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; 22 inches; May 10, 18 days.
Miss JekylL—Type 3. Form and substance fair, pallid and slightly flushed with rose when aged; base as Fig. 12.; 18 inches; May 6, 18 days.
Primrose Beauty.—Type 2. Form and substance fair, somewhat constricted in the middle; 20 inches; May 12, 15 days.
Vitellina.—Type 2. Long, form and substance good; 31 inches; May 16, 12 days.
Strangulata.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; 18 inches; May 3, 15 days.
Eldorado.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; base dull; 23 inches; May 12, 14 days.
Strangulata primulina.—A very pale form of ' Strangulata '; 17 inches; May 6, 12 days. (Fig. n)
Elegans lutea pallida = Leghorn Bonnet, q.v.
Fulgens Sulphur = Solfatare, q.v.
Primrose Gem = Yellow Gem, q.v.
Billietiana aurea.—Type 2. Form and substance good; yellow, wholly scarlet from the base to the middle of the midrib, where the colour forks to either margin; 23 inches; May 3, 15 days.
Cloth of Gold.—Type 2. A form of 'Billietiana '; yellow, with a slight scarlet flame; 22 inches; May 12, 15 days.
Billietiana nana.—Type 2. This did not differ in height from 'Billietiana' q.v.; 22 inches; May 12, 15 days.
Billietiana pallida.—Type 2. A pale form of 'Billietiana'; 20 inches; May 13, 15 days.
Gold Cup.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; the lemon-chrome ground shows in streaks through a scarlet wash; base as in Fig. 5; 26 inches; May 13, 15 days.
Bandmaster.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; deep bright lemon-chrome with carmine splashes, which spread as the flower ages; base blotched olive as in Fig. 5; 25 inches; May 10, 14 days.
Cardinal Billiet.—Type 2. Good form and substance, colour bright; 24 inches; May 8, 16 days.
Illuminator.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; base blotched olive as in Fig. 5; filaments olive; 19 inches; May 12, 13 days.
Octoroon.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; bright lemon-chrome, flaked and margined with scarlet; base olive; 21 inches; May 8, 12 days.
Billietiana.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; Empire yellow, feathered with scarlet; base dull; 23 inches; May 6, 20 days.
Sunset.—Type 2. Large, and of good substance; colour bright; 21 inches; May 8, 19 days.
Golden Crown.—Type 2. Large, form and substance fair; 20 inches; May 6, 20 days.
Gaiety.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; deep scarlet; base large, lemon-yellow, rather streaky outside; 21 inches; May 10, 14 days.
Billietiana Aurora.—Type 2. Larger, brighter, and mofe scarlet than ' Billietiana '; 21 inches; May 6, 19 days.
Royal Crown.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; bright nopal red, each segment with base and lower part of each lateral margin pale cadmium yellow; 19 inches; May 7, 11 days.
Aurora = Billietiana Aurora, q.v.
Billietiana Sunse = Sunset, q.v.
Billietiana Cloth of Gold = Cloth of Gold, q.v.
Koningskroon = Royal Crown, q.v.
Narbonensis Yellow = Gold Cup, q.v.
Yellow Crown = Golden Crown, q.v.
Coridion.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; lemon-chrome, washed with rosolane-purple; 28 inches; May 3, 21 days.
Queen Alexandra.—Type 1. Small and of good substance; bright lemon-yellow, with a streaky purplish blotch at the apex of each outer segment; filaments brownish above the middle; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Alcida.—Very similar to ' Jaune d'Œuf '; 22 inches; May 7, 15 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Jaune d'Œuf.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; bright deep lemon-chrome, with a slight flush of pale purple on the outer segments; base large, pale green; filaments greenish; 28 inches; May 7,20 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Plutargus.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; lemon-yellow, outside flamed dull purple; base and filaments greenish; 25 inches; May 6, 21 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Empress of China.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; yellow, flushed inside with olive; outer segments have a broad purplish beam; base and filaments olive; 29 inches; May 8, 19 days. See also 'Yellow Perfection' (a synonym for 'Empress of China') in the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Garibaldi.—Similar to but paler than ' Bronze Queen ' (IVm), and with a bluish tinge; a long flower.
Yellow Perfection.—Type 1. Very like 'Apricot ' (TVm); 26 inches ¡ May 6, 19 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Eastern Queen = Coridion, q.v.
Sunrise = Jaune d'Œuf, q.v.
Orion.—20 inches; May 6, 15 days.
Bronze King. —Purple on pale yellow ground; 31 inches; May 6, 19 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Abd-el-Kadir.-—Large; base yellow; 30 inches; May 6, 19 days.
Bronze Queen.—Form and substance fair; buff-yellow within, purplish fawn without; base bright lemon-chrome; filaments olive above, yellow below; 28 inches; May 8, 23 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Goldmine.—Mahogany striped; base stained; 22 inches; May 7, 18 days.
Toison d'Or.—Brown; outside deep lemon-chrome and deep dull red; base deep chrome; filaments yellow; 24 inches; May 6, 20 days.
Goudvink.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; golden chestnut; base streaked with olive; 30 inches; May 8, 19 days.
Madras..—28 inches; May 8, 18 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Old Times.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; light yellow, flamed outside with dull purple, inside lightly flushed with that colour; filaments streaked with black; 21 inches; May 5, 19 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Prof. Keizer.—18 inches; May 7, 19 days.
Mme. de Staël.'—30 inches; May 6, 21 days.
Adèle.—25 inches; May 3, 17 days.
Boerhaave.—27 inches; May 6, 19 days.
Alice.—Of poor form and colour; 22 inches; May 7, 18 days.
Apricot.—Type 1. Flower of good substance; chestnut-red inside; flushed purple out; base lemon-chrome; 23 inches; May 15, 15 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
Vulcan.—Reddish-bronze; 24 inches; May 10,16 days. See also the Breeder Tulips section of this website.
La Parfaite.—Purplish outside with orange margins to segments; base large, yellow; 30 inches; May 10, 16 days.
Quaintness.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; pale brown, paler at the margins; outer segments with a purple beam; base deep yellow; 27 inches; May 14, 14 days.
Biscuit = Bronze Queen, q.v.
Clio = Bronze Queen, q.v.
Duc d'Orléans = Bronze Queen, q.v.
Goldfinch = Goudvink, q.v.
Golden Bronze = Toison d'Or, q.v.
Grandissima = Bronze King, q.v.
Sensation = Bronze Queen, q.v.
Amber Crown.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; yellow and purple; 23 inches; May 5, 20 days.
John Ruskin.—Type 3. Form and substance fair; pink and orange; base yellowish, with olive ring; 24 inches; May 10, 15 days (Fig- 3-)
Le Rêve.—Type 2. A mid-season variety; bright coral-red flushed with dusky rose; base dull yellow; 16 inches; April 25, 26 days. A semi-early variety.
Marie Louise.—Type 1. Large, form and substance fair; pink, shot with yellow; base white, streaked blue and yellow; filaments streaky blue; 22 inches; May 5, 15 days. A semi-early variety.
Doris.—Type 2. Of fair size, rather loose; pink; stem dark; base as in Fig. n, bluish; filaments blue at the apex; 26 inches; May 15, 14 days.
Eurasian.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; lilac and buff; base olive; filaments dark at apex; 28 inches; May 11, 17 days.
Daybreak.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; pale yellow, shot with purple; outer segments nearly white, with a broad purplish beam; filaments blue-black; 25 inches . May 13, 15 days.
Fairy Queen.—Type 2. Form and substance good; outside light purple, passing to a paler margin, tinged with primrose-yellow; inside deep yellow, with a purplish flush; base dull; filaments with a black ring at apex; 30 inches; May 15, 14 days.
Norham Beauty.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; purplish, becoming yellowish at margin; base lemon-yellow, flushed olive; 24 inches; May 12, 16 days.
Beauty of Bath.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; white, with yellowish margin; outer segments with a beam of hght purple; base black, streaked with yellow; filaments blackish; 25 inches; May 8, 17 days.
The Fawn.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; white, suffused rose, outside with a beam of salmon; base blotched with yellow; filaments yellow, with an olive ring at apex; 27 inches; May 15, 14 days.
Eric.—Type 2. From and substance fair; outside purple, inside pale brown; base yellow; inner segments streaked with brown above the middle; 24 inches; May 5, 19 days.