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[For General Classification see p. 9. Names in italics are synonyms. The date of flowering given below and the duration of the flower are for the year 1915 and represent the order in which the varieties may be expected to flower rather than the exact date of flowering, which will vary from year to year; it will also vary according to the source and time of planting of the bulbs. The dates are taken, as a rule, from bulbs which had been grown for two years at Wisley and had been planted at the same time. The heights are measured from the same bulbs and are relative only.]
Alba Maxima.—Semi-double, creamy white; base diffuse, pale yellow; filaments yellow; leaves ascending; 16 inches; April 21, 19 days.
Blanche Hâtive.—Loose, semi-double; base dull yellow; filaments white; stem weak; leaves ascending; 14 inches; April 23, 15 days.
Boule de Neige.—Rounded, large, full; base and filaments yellow; leaves very undulate; 13 inches; April 26, 19 days.
Felicitas.—Triangular in outline; segments of good substance; base and filaments yellow; leaves very undulate; 12 inches; April 28, 13 days.
La Candeur.—Segments of good substance; base and filaments yellow; stem stout; leaves very broad; 15 inches; April 28, 21 days.
L'Innocence.—Semi-double, open; base and filaments slightly yellow; stem stout; leaves very undulate, ascending; 14 inches; April 26, 19 days.
Rose Blanche.—Round, full; base yellowish; filaments pale yellow; stem slender; leaves crisply undulate, ascending; 15 inches; April 29, 21 days.
Schoonoord.—Large, full, becoming slightly flushed with pink when aged; segments of good substance; base and filaments yellow; stem strong; 12 inches; April 26, 15 days.
Snowball = Boule de Neige, q.v.
Snow Queen.—Rough, thin; segments flaked slight rose pink when aged; base and filaments yellow; leaves ascending; 11 inches; April 26, 13 days.
White Murillo = Schoonoord, q.v.
White Salvator Rosa.—The white form of 'Salvator Rosa' (IIIc).
Blanche Rosette.—Not very full, creamy white, tinged at the margins of the segments; base large, diffuse yellow; filaments yellow; leaves broad, drooping; 13 inches; April 28, 13 days.
La Vertu.—Semi-double; segments flushed at the centre; base and filaments yellow; leaves very undulate, dark; 15 inches; April 29, 16 days.
Le Blason.—Not very full, lightly flushed; base large, indefinite, yellow; filaments yellow; stem slender; 10 inches; April 27, 12 days.
Lord Rosebery.—Large; segments fimbriate, flushed in the centre; base and filaments yellow; stigma very large; leaves crisply undulate; 12 inches; April 29, 12 days.
Murillo.—Large, well shaped, full; base and filaments yellow; leaves very undulate, ascending; 14 inches; April 26, 19 days.
Parmesiano.—Medium size, not very full, good substance, flush slight, but variable; base and filaments yellow; leaves narrow, ascending; 11 inches; April 26, 13 days.
Princess Beatrice.—Like 'Parmesiano', but smaller; 16 inches; April 26, 13 days.
Queen of the Netherlands.—Large, full, regular, flush slight; base and filaments yellow; stem stout, coloured; leaves large; 16 inches, April 26, 17 days.
Raphael.—Large, full, well formed, flush heavy at the margins of each segment; base and filaments yellow; stem stout; leaves abruptly ascending; 13 inches; April 26, 15 days.
Rose des Dames.—Semi-double, creamy white; flushed in upper part of each segment; sometimes slightly streaked with yellow; base diffuse, yellow; filaments yellow; leaves ascending; 13 inches; April 22, 18 days.
Anna Rooze.—Loose; base and filaments yellow; stem weak; leaves short, ascending; 15 inches; April 21, 17 days.
Carmen Sylva.—Large, full; base and filaments pale yellow; stem strong; 13 inches, April 27,17 days.
Couronne de Roses.—Large, loose, pale at margins of each segment; base and filaments yellow; pollen dark; stem slender; leaves long; 11 inches; April 26, 14 days.
Emmeline.—Large, open; segments laciniate; base and filaments yellow; stem stout; leaves broad; 15 inches; April 29, 12 days.
La Grandesse.—Large, full, round; base and filaments yellow; stem stout; 15 inches; April 26, 14 days.
Lady Palmerston.—Large, loose; base diffuse, yellow; filaments yellow; stem strong; leaves narrow, ascending; 11 inches; April 26, 16 days.
Lina = Lady Palmerston.
Norma.—Semi-double to almost single; colour heavy at margins; base and filaments pale yellow; leaves ascending; 13 inches; April 26, 12 days.
Reine des Roses.—Large, full, round; base diffuse; filaments yellow; pollen green; stem stout; leaves undulate; 12 inches; April 28, 12 days.
Rose d'Amour.—Small, full, round; base and filaments yellow; stem weak; leaves ascending; 12 inches; April 29, 14 days.
Rose de la Montagne.—Medium size; base and filaments yellow; stem stout; leaves ascending; 12 inches; April 22, 19 days.
Rose de Nice.—Small, round, colour deep and bright; filaments and base pale yellow; stem slender; leaves drooping; 16 inches; April 29, 16 days.
Rosea Perfecta.—Full, somewhat starry; base and filaments yellow; stem weak; 16 inches; April 27,18 days.
Rosine.—Semi-double to single; base diffuse yellow; filaments yellow; leaves ascending; 14 inches; April 22, 16 days.
Salvator Rosa.—Regular; margins of segments almost white; leaves narrow, ascending; 13 inches; April 22, 18 days.
Triomphe Blandina.—Semi-double; segments rounded; base diffuse, yellow; filaments yellow; leaves short, ascending; 14 inches; April 28, 12 days.
Triomphe des Roses.—Regular, fairly full; base diffuse, yellow; filaments yellow; stem stout; 14 inches; April 28, 13 days.
Virgilius.—Semi-double, open; segments white at base, blotched in centre with rose-red, and rose-pink at margins; filaments white; leaves long, ascending; 10 inches; April 29, 20 days.
Virginia.—Full, rounded; margins of segments white; base and filaments yellow; stem weak; 10 inches; April 22, 17 days.
Cardinal Manning.—Semi-double; margins of segments rose-pink; filaments yellow; stem stout, often з-4-flowered; leaves broad, deep green; 12 inches; April 28, 13 days.
Empress Victoria.—Large; base white, blotched yellow; filaments yellow; stem stout; leaves ascending; 14 inches; April 29, 18 days.
La Jolie.—Semi-double; base white with a small yellowish blotch; filaments yellow; stem 2-4-flowered; 14 inches; April 28, 17 days.
La Victoire.—Deep colour; stem stout but weak; 10 inches; April 29, 17 days.
Lord Beaconsfield.—Round, compact; base and filaments dull yellow; stem strong; leaves ascending; 12 inches; April 28, 18 days.
Lucretia.—Base large, yellow; filaments yellow; stem stout; 12 inches; April 27, 19 days.
Arabella.—Semi-double; segments somewhat crumpled, colour bright; base and filaments yellow; pollen dark; stem slender, coloured; 13 inches; April 22, 17 days.
Couronne de Cerise = Rozekroon, q.v.
Duc van Thol Double.—Small, compact; segments cherry-red, with a white margin; 9 inches; April 19, 17 days. See also By Category / Duc van Tol Tulips.
Prince of Wales.—Large, rough; base white, blotched pale yellow; filaments yellow; stem stout; leaves ascending; 13 inches; April 28, 17 days.
Prins Hendrik.—Rough, thin; base white, blotched yellow; filaments yellow; stem stout; leaves broad, ascending; 12 inches; April 27, 12 days.
Queen Emma.—Semi-double, open; base white, blotched yellow; filaments yellow; stem stout; leaves broad, very glaucous; 12 inches; April 27, 14 days.
Rosalie = Arabella, q.v.
Rozekroon.—Semi-double, colour deep, bright; base and filaments white; pollen violet; stem slender, coloured; 15 inches; April 29, 17 days.
Rozenburg.—Full, compact; base white, blotched yellow; filaments yellow; stem stout, coloured; leaves very broad; 10 inches; May 4, 20 days.
Agnes.—Small, full; base diffuse, deep yellow; filaments yellow; leaves very undulate; 11 inches; April 27, 19 days.
Andromeda.—Rather thin; base deep yellow, with a blue margin; filaments yellow; pollen violet; stem coloured; 13 inches; April 27, 21 days.
Cochenille Duc.—Large, loose; base and filaments deep yellow; pollen purple; stem stout, coloured; leaves broad; 13 inches; April 26, 19 days.
Don Carlos.—Large, showy; base and filaments deep yellow; leaves very vigorous; 12 inches; April 26, 15 days.
Etna.—Small, colour deep; base and filaments deep yellow; stem stout, coloured; leaves very broad; 15 inches; April 29, 17 days.
Fire Dome =Vuurbaak, q.v.
Fire King.—Rather thin, semi-double; base dull yellow; filaments stained; stem stout, coloured; leaves ascending; 14 inches; April 29, 17 days.
Grand Brillant.—Large, rather coarse; filament yellow; pollen dark; 13 inches; April 27, 19 days.
Imperator Rubrorum.—Very full, round, compact; base yellow, with a green margin; filaments yellow; stem strong, coloured; leaves narrow, ascending; 15 inches; April 21, 22 days.
Lady Grandison.—Small, rather thin, rough; base and filaments yellow; leaves narrow; 9 inches; April 26, 16 days.
Le Matador.—Medium size, well formed, colour deep; base and filaments yellow; stem coloured; leaves narrow, ascending; 14 inches; April 26, 20 days.
Leo XIII.—Base large, deep yellow; filaments yellow; stem weak; leaves pale green, drooping; 12 inches; April 19, 17 days.
Lion d'Orange.—Large; scarlet red, with a dull flush; base and filaments yellow; 11 inches; May 5, 17 days.
Luminosa,—Semi-double, large; base and filaments yellow; pollen violet; leaves numerous, ascending; 13 inches; April 29, 17 days.
Manteau de Velours =Velvet Gem, q.v.
Phoenix.—Large; base large, deep yellow; filaments yellow; stem weak; leaves long; 12 inches; April 19, 18 days.
Premier Gladstone.—Full, round; base white, with a pale yellow blotch; stem strong, reddish; leaves broad; 11 inches; April 26, 12 days.
Rex Magnifiais.—Medium size, colour bright; base and filaments yellow; 10 inches; April 29, 17 days.
Rubra Maxima.—Full, form good, colour very deep; base large deep yellow; filaments yellow; pollen dark; stem coloured; leaves very undulate; 10 inches; April 21, 17 days.
Sultane Favorite.—A fuller flower, but otherwise very like 'Rubra Maxima'; 14 inches; April 27, 19 days.
Thalia.—Base and filaments deep yellow; stem stout, ascending; 12 inches; April 26, 16 days.
Velvet Gem.—Segments slightly margined with deep yellow; base and filaments deep yellow; stem stout; leaves ascending; 13 inches; April 26, 15 days.
Voltaire.—Large, rounded; base and filaments deep yellow; stem stout; leaves broad; 12 inches; April 28, 14 days.
Vuurbaak.—Large, open; base and filaments bright' yellow; stem coloured; leaves long, very undulate; 10 inches; April 26, 15 days.
Willem III.—Large, full, opening wide; base and filaments bright yellow; stem coloured; leaves long, very undulate, glaucous; 15 inches; April 27, 19 days.
Wynmalen.—Thin, open; segments very numerous; base and filaments deep yellow; leaves ascending; 15 inches; April 27, 19 days.
El Toreador.—Large, open; segments orange with a central blotch of deep dull orange; filaments yellow; stem weak; leaves ascending; 10 inches; April 19, 19 days.
Prince of Orange.—Large; segments laciniate; deep yellow; base filaments stained at apex; leaves short, ascending; 9 inches; April 22, 18 days.
Duc de Bordeaux.—Medium size, full; filaments yellow; stem weak; 11 inches; April 28, 14 days.
Frans Hals.—Medium size; filaments yellow; stem weak; leaves broad, ascending; 14 inches; April 24, 17 inches.
Gloria Solis.—Round, full; filaments yellow; stem weak; leaves pale; 13 inches; April 19, 18 days.
Helianthus.—Round, full, yellow margin, broad; filaments yellow; pollen dark; leaves ascending; 12 inches; April 28, 14 days.
Henry Witte.—Round, full; filaments yellow; stem slender; 14 inches; April 27, 18 days.
Herman = Titian, q.v.
La Citadelle.—Small, compact, yellow margin narrow; filaments yellow; stem slender, coloured; leaves ascending; 15 inches; April 28, 17 days.
Leonardo da Vinci.—Round, full, brightly coloured; filaments yellow; stem slender; leaves glaucous; 15 inches; May 4, 16 days.
Pieneman.—Large, loose, red blotch diffuse; filaments yellow; stem stout; 12 inches; April 21, 18 days.
Titian.—Medium size, well formed; filaments yellow; pollen dark; stem strong; 15 inches; April 21, 20 days.
Tournesol Red and Yellow.—Round, full, colours bright; filaments yellow; stem rather weak; leaves ascending; 11 inches; April 21, 16 days.
Count of Leicester.—Full, open; stem strong; 13 inches; April 29, 20 days.
Couronne d'Or.—Large, full; filaments yellow; stem strong; leaves short, ascending; 12 inches; April 19, 19 days.
La Coquette.—Loose; filaments yellow; leaves narrow, ascending; 13 inches; April 21, 18 days.
Tournesol Yellow.—A colour form of 'Tournesol' (IIIh), yellow lightly flushed scarlet; 12 inches; April 22, 17 days.
Dr. Edward Jenner = Golden King.
Golden Beauty.—Rather small, full; filaments yellow; pollen dark; stem weak; leaves ascending; 11 inches; April 28, 13 days.
Golden King.—A colour form of 'Tournesol' (IIIh); 13 inches; April 21, 18 days.
Mr. van der Hoef = Rêve d'Or, q.v.
Murillo Yellow = Rêve d'Or, q.v.
Princess of Wales.—Semi-double, medium size; filaments yellow; pollen dark; stem slender; leaves ascending, dark; 13 inches; April 29, 20 days.
Rêve d'Or.—A colour form of 'Murillo' (IIIb).
Van Tubergen.—A colour form of 'Couronne d'Or' (IIIi).
Velasquez.—Of the 'Murillo' (IIIb) type; substance good; filaments yellow; stem strong; 12 inches; April 22, 19 days.
Yellow Couronne d' Or = Van Tubergen, q.v.
Brimston = Safran0, q.v.
Brimstone Beauty = Safrano, q.v.
Maréchal Niel = Safrano, q.v.
Murillo Sulphur = Safrano, q.v.
Safrano.—A colour form of 'Murillo', (IIIb), very soft shade of primrose flushed salmon.
Tea Rose = Safrano, q.v.
Theeroos = Safrano, q.v.
Empress = Turban Violet, q.v.
Empress Eugénie.—Thin, open; segments reddish purple, with a white margin and sometimes slightly streaked yellow; base yellow; stem coloured; 19 inches; April 26, 16 days.
Gris-de-Lin Pâle.—Round, open; segments reddish purple with a broad white margin; filaments yellow; stem slender; leaves ascending; 11 inches; April 22, 16 days.
La Candeur Lilac = Violet Supérieur, q.v.
Lac van Haarlem.—Large, full; segments reddish purple, with paler margins; base white, with a yellow blotch; filaments yellow; stem weak; leaves very undulate; 13 inches; April 27, 14 days.
Ma Cousine.—Round, full, striped purple and rose; base white blotched yellow; filaments yellow; stem stout; leaves ascending; 16 inches; May 4, 16 days.
Turban Violet.—Large, loose, blue purple passing to reddish purple, streaked and splashed with orange; filaments yellow; stem weak; leaves very undulate, ascending; 14 inches; April 27, 21 days.
Violet Foncé — Turban Violet, q.v.
Violet Supérieur.—Shape poor; colour dull magenta; base white, with a yellowish blotch; filaments white; stem stout; leaves short, ascending; 13 inches; May 4, 16 days.
Harlequin.—A colour form of 'Murillo', yellow splashed with crimson.
Purperkroon.—Large, rough, purplish crimson; stem stout; 11 inches; April 28, 21 days.
Spotted Murillo = Harlequin, q.v..
The Moor = Purperkroon, q.v..
Veronica.—Small, thin, chestnut colour with yellow margins; 12 inches; April 19, 16 days.
La Candeur (Ilia).
Rex Magnificus (IIIf).
Rex Rubrorum.—Flower small, scarlet.
Tournesol (IIIh).