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 Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-1915: Class 10 - Rembrandt Tulips

Report of the
Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-1915

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[For General Classification see p. 9. Names in italics are synonyms. The date of flowering given below and the duration of the flower are for the year 1915 and represent the order in which the varieties may be expected to flower rather than the exact date of flowering, which will vary from year to year; it will also vary according to the source and time of planting of the bulbs. The dates are taken, as a rule, from bulbs which had been grown for two years at Wisley and had been planted at the same time. The heights are measured from the same bulbs and are relative only.]

Where neither height nor time of flowering is given, the Tulips named were shown at the Conference but not grown in the Trials.

A Rembrandt is a broken Darwin. It is rare, however, for the break to be clean, that is, for the colour to form clearly defined markings of uniform tone on a clear white ground. More frequently the colour is diffused and the ground is clouded with a lighter tone of the same colour as the markings. The Rembrandts are always less vigorous and less good " doers " than the Darwins from which they originated.

Table of Contents for Rembrandt Tulips

  • a. Roses. -- Definition: Rose markings on white ground. Red Prince, Semele, Victor Hugo.
  • b. Bybloemen. -- Definition: Purple markings on white ground. Franoise d'Amboise, Procles.

a. Roses—flower rose-red to crimson.

Alfieri.—Markings heavy, crimson; base blue; 22 inches; May 7, 10 days.

Bartlett.—Large, deep rose-red; base white; 21 inches; May 7, 20 days. The broken form of ' Bartigon ' (VII. b).

Beatrice.—Deep rose-red » base white with a blue ring; 28 inches ¡ May 10, 11 days.

Caracalla.—Markings very heavy, little broken, dark rose-red,! base blue; 23 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Cosette.—Feathered rose-red; base greyish; 19 inches; May 6, 13 days.

Crimson Beauty.—Cherry crimson • base grey; 22 inches ,! May 8, 16 days.

Diogenes.—Deep rose-red.

Dutch Prince.—Rose-red, ' Prince of the Netherlands ' (VII. c) broken.

Ellen.—Markings heavy, cherry-red; base suffused blue.

Esopus.—Cherry-red; base white, ringed blue; 24 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Firefly.—Very bright rose-red; base blue; 2 inches • May 8, 18 days. The broken form of ' Fire King ' (VII. a).

Galatea.—Rose-red; base flushed blue. Probably the broken form of the Darwin of this name.

General French. — Large, markings heavy, cherry-red; base streaked blue. The broken form of ' G. de Cordons ' (VII. b).

Jeanneton.—Markings heavy, cherry-red 5 base blue; 23 inches >, May 7, 17 days.

Joffre.—Rose-red. The broken form of ' Bijou ' (VII. c).

Josine = Julienne, q.v.

Julienne.—Markings heavy, dark rose-red; base pale blue; 28 inches • May 8, 12 days.

La Thangue.—Large, heavy cherry-rose; base blue. The broken form of ' Pride of Haarlem ' (VII. c) • 24 inches 5 May 8, 21 days.

Lola.—Pale pink and white with cherry markings > base blue. The broken form of ' Suzon ' (VII. g).

Lord Beaconsfield.—Markings heavy, cherry-rose; base ringed blue; 24 inches; May 7, 18 days.

Maidenhood.—Rose, feathered reddish purple. The broken form of ' Maiden's Blush '(VILh).

Margaretta.—Rose-red; base white. The broken form of 'Margaret' (VII. r).

Matins.—Deep rosy cerise; base streaked blue. The broken form of 'Mattia' (VII. c).

Melpomene.—Rose-red; base ringed blue; 24 inches; May 16, 15 days.

Meyerbeer.—Deep rose-red j base tinged blue; 26 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Mrs. Farr.—Deep rose-red; base suffused blue. The broken form of ' Farncombe Sanders ' (VII. b).

Oracle du Siècle.—Vigorous; flower large, rose marked reddish purple; base blue; 25 inches; May 10, 15 days.

Polyphème.—Deep rose-red; base bluish; 22 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Professor.—Heavily marked rose-red; base ringed blue. The broken form of ' Prof. Rawenhof ' (VII. b).

Raphael.—Heavily marked blood-red; base ringed blue; 28 inches; May 3, 21 days.

Red Prince.—Deep rose-red, with dark reddish purple feathering; base white, with a blue ring; 28 inches; May 7, 19 days.

Reynolds.—Light rose red. The broken form of ' L'Ingénue ' (VIL r).

Semele.—Vigorous; flower large, distinct, rose-red and red-purple; base deep blue; 28 inches; May 10, 16 days.

Spring Cheer.—Rose and rose-red. The broken form of ' Queen of Roses'(VII.f).

The Admiral.—Cherry-rose; base suffused blue; 25 inches ¡ May 8,17 days. The broken form of ' Adolphe van den Heede ' (VII. b).

The Baron.—Cherry-rose, markings heavy; 23 inches; May 17, 19 days. The broken form of ' William Pitt ' (VII. b).

Thetis.—Deep cherry-rose, ground creamy; 22 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Van Dyk.—Rose-red; base blue. The broken form of ' Mme. Barrais' (VILf).

Vasco da Gama.—Markings heavy, deep rose-red; base creamy.

Victor Hugo.—Markings heavy, cherry-rose; base white, ringed blue i 24 inches; May 3, 22 days.

b. Bybloemen.

(1) Flower red-purple.

Bowmont.—Deep rosy purple; base ringed blue; 21 inches; May 7, 19 days. The broken form of ' Cordelia ' (VII. n).

Butterfly.—Rosy lilac, flamed reddish purple; base blue; 27 inches; May 8, 16 days. See also 'Papillon' (a synonym) under Surviving Broken Tulips section of this website.

Candida.—White, flamed bright reddish purple; base white; 27 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Centenaire.—Vigorous, pale violet and deep reddish purple; base white; 28 inches; May 7, 17 days

Constable.—Small, reddish purple; base blue; 22 inches; May 6, 13 days.

Gretchen.—Pomegranate-purple, heavily feathered; base white. The broken form of ' Margaret ' (VII. r); 23 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Hippolyta.—Deep reddish purple.

King George.—Deep reddish purple. The broken form of ' Giant ' (VII.l).

La Joyeuse.—Dull reddish purple.

L'Amiral Mackau.—Large, dull reddish purple; base extensive, white; 24 inches; May 7, 19 days.

Le Roi.—White, with a narrow flame of reddish purple; 25 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Loreley.—Deep purple; base bluish; 26 inches; May 5, 21 days.

Millais.—A boldly marked flower, purplish rose; base blue. The broken form of ' Giovanni ' (VII. c).

Nigrette.—Deep reddish purple.

Quasimodo.—Dark reddish purple; base white, ringed blue; 27 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Queen Mary.—Purplish rose, flame slight, feathering heavy and continuous; 23 inches; May 7, 19 days. The broken form of ' White Queen' (VII. r).

Titania.—Purplish rose; base with a faint bluish ring.

Wedding Robe.—Deep reddish purple and pale lavender; base white. The broken form of ' Wedding Veil ' (VII. r).

(2) Flower purple-violet.

Aladdin.—Lightly marked, reddish lilac; base white; 23 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Alma Tadema.—Deep, bright violet-purple; 23 inches; May 8, 16 days. The broken form of ' La Tristesse ' (VII. s).

Amazone.—Small, purplish lilac; 20 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Anne Mary.—Lilac, flamed reddish purple; 22 inches; April 30, 20 days.

Antique.—Dull purplish lilac; base white.

Delphine.—Pale lilac markings, reddish purple; base white; 24 inches; May 10,12 days.

Dreamland.—Deep lilac and purple; base blue. The broken form of'Dream' (VII.p).

Eros.—Pale purplish lilac marked violet; base white; 23 inches; May 7, 14 days.

Hebe.—Lilac and violet; base small, white; 23 inches; May 10, 14 days.

Irene.—Light and dark violet, base bluish; 24 inches; May 6, 13 days.

Jane Grey.—Lilac and purplish-violet; base white; 20 inches; May 3, 21 days.

Juliette.—Pale lilac with a regular feathering of pomegranate- purple; base white; 26 inches; May 7,17 days.

La Czarine.—Pale lilac, lightly flamed and feathered with deep violet; base white; 24 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Le Printemps.—Reddish lilac, marked rose-purple; base white; 24 inches; May 7, 18 days.

Millie.—Lilac to purple; base blue around the ovary. The broken form of ' Melicette ' (VII. p).

Ninette.—Pale pinkish likc, feathered reddish violet;- base white; 21 inches; May 10, 15 days.

Ninon = Ninette, q.v.

Remembrance.—Deep lavender, marked blackish violet; base dull; 24 inches; May 6, 20 days. The broken form of ' Remembrance ' (VII. s).

Romeo.—Lilac, heavily feathered with deep reddish purple; base white; 24 inches; May 7, 18 days.

Rubens.—Rosy lilac.

Sirène.—Open, purplish lilac; base white; 23 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Turner.—Rose-red and lavender. The broken form of ' Lazzaro Peppo ' (VII. o).

Undine.—Pinkish lilac, marked light reddish purple; 23 inches; May 5, 15 days.

Vesta.—Lilac, with a heavy reddish purple flame; base tinged blue; 21 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Wedding Veil.—Lilac and violet . base white; 22 inches . May 6, 19 days.

Zenobia.—Light violet and bright reddish purple; base blue; 20 inches; May 3, 21 days.

Zuleika.—Pale lavender, with narrow markings of violet; base white; 23 inches; May 7, 17 days.

(3) Flower deep violet to blackish purple.

Albertine = La Saxone, q.v.

Dream.—Markings heavy, deep blackish purple; 24 inches; May 5, 14 days.

Enos.—Markings very heavy, blackish purple; base white, tinged blue; 19 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Françoise d'Amboise.—Large, light violet, with darker marking»; base white; 28 inches; May 4, 18 days.

George.—Markings heavy, purplish violet; base bluish.

Jean Bart.—Blackish purple; base slaty; 23 inches; May 6. 18 days.

La Coquette.—A handsome flower, bright violet j base white; 24 inches; May 6, 19 days.

L'Amie Desvercheux.—Very heavy maroon-purple flame on a white ground, giving the effect of a white feathered margin.

La Saxone.—Large; segments spreading, light violet feathered blackish violet; base blue; 27 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Le Roi.—Deep purplish violet; 25 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Lydia.—Flamed blackish purple; base white.

Mauve Queen.—Light and dark violet; base blue; 24 inches; May 7, 18 days.

Milton.—Marked purple. The broken form of ' Cordelia ' (VII. n).

Nemesis.—Light violet, feathered blackish violet;- base white; 26 inches; May 10, 15 days.

Olympia.—Deep violet-purple.

Pelleas.—Markings heavy, purplish violet . base dull; 23 inches; May 3, 21 days.

Pierrette.—Large, pale violet, streaked blackish violet . 24 inches; May 3, 21 days.

Procles.—Violet and blue-purple; base white, with a blue ring; 22 inches; May 5, 14 days.

St. John's.—Violet. The broken form of ' Rev. H. Ewbank ' (VII. p).


Sweetheart.—Violet, deep. The broken form of ' Bleu Aimable '(VIL p).

The Artist.'—Deep purplish violet.

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