Old Tulips :: Division 11 - Double Late Tulips
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The designation "(HB)" following a tulip name indicates this cultivar is in the collection of Hortus Bublorum, the authority on these tulips.

Amusement, 1951 (HB) "Flower red; 18 inches (45 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Baltimore, <1930 (HB)

Blue Flag, <1750 (HB) "Form and substance good; light violet; base blue; 14 inches." -- Report, 1914-15 / Double Late Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Bonanza, 1943 (HB)

Carnaval de Nice, 1953 (HB)

Clara Carder, 1943 (HB)

Colosseum, 1952 (HB)

Daladier, 1951 (HB)

Double Beauty of Apeldoorn, ?? "Flower orange yellow; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Engelenburcht, 1942 (HB) "Flower white; 20 inches (50 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Eros, 1937 (HB) "Flower pink; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Gerbrandt Kieft, 1951 (HB)

Golden Nizza, 1951 (HB) "Flower yellow, red; 20 inches (50 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Gold Medal, 1946 (HB)

Granda, 1943 (HB) "Flower carmine rose with white base; 18 inches (45 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Hytuna, 1959 (HB) "Flower yellow; 16 inches (40 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Lilac Perfection, <1950 (HB) "Flower lilac; 20 inches (50 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Lion d”or, 1950 (HB)

Livingstone, 1933 (HB)

Lord Derby, 1939 (HB) "Flower carmine, edged white; 20 inches (50 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Maartje Kuiper, 1951 (HB) "Flower tyrian purple; 12 inches (30 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Mantilla, 1951 (HB) "Flower purple, edged white; 18 inches (45 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Maravilla, 1954 "Flower violet; 20 inches (50 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Mazurka, 1952 (HB) "Flower brownish red, edged yellow; 18 inches (45 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Mount Tacoma, <1914 (HB)

Nizza, 1939 (HB) "Flower red, yellow; 26 inches (65 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Pavo, <1930 (HB) "Flower carmine; 16 inches (40 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Paeony Gold, <1700 (HB) "Probably a broken form of Paeonie red." -- Report, 1914-15 / Double Late Tulips.

Paeony Red, <1700 (HB) "Flower roundish, substance fair; segments deep scarlet-red; base deep yellow; 13 inches." -- Report, 1914-15 / Double Late Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Professor Boerhaave, <1952 (HB)

Rocket, 1943 (HB) "Flower cherry red; 20 inches (50 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Rosy Wonder, 1951 "Flower pink." -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Royalty, 1951 "Flower red, edged white; 16 inches (40 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Snow Prince, 1942 (HB) "Flower creamy white; 18 inches (45 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Symphonia, 1939 (HB)

Uncle Tom, 1939 (HB) "Flower maroon red; 18 inches (45 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.

Wirosa, 1949 (HB)

Yellow Rose, <1700 (HB) "Large, of good form and substance; bright yellow; stem weak." -- Report, 1914-15 / Double Late Tulips.


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