Darwin Tulips (Now in Division 5 - Single Lates) | ||||||||||||
Today, the Darwin tulips are officially included in the Ssingle Late tulip category – Division 5. However, as is the historical practice of Hortus Bulborum, the Darwins are included on this website as its own category. These old Darwin tulips are not to be confused with the newer Darwin Hybrid tulips, which today comprise Division 4. According to Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-1915 - Intro to Classification: "Somewhere, it is believed in Flanders, another race was segregated from the original Dutch stock and was introduced into commerce in 1899 by KRELAGE under the name of 'Darwin Tulips.' They possess a stronger constitution than the original stock, grow taller, and have larger flowers of great substance. The shape is also characteristic; the flower segments spring at right angles from the stem and turn again at right angles to form the cup, so that the whole flower possesses a distinctive, squarely built profile (figs. 19, 21). Among the Darwins the yellow ground has been eliminated, so that only shades of rose and purple are recognized. The base may be any shade of blue down to pure white." The descriptions that appear below are from this report. The descriptions frequently indicate that a flower is of a specific "type". This type refers to shape and/or patterns of coloration. The type varies based on the color of the tulip, which is the primary element employed by the "Committee" to classify Darwin Tulips. The classification structure is quite complex. For details, please see: 7. DARWIN TULIPS. The following figures also are from the "Report" and are cited frequently to indicate a type of shape and/or coloration pattern. The designation "(HB)" following a tulip name indicates this cultivar is in the collection of Hortus Bublorum, which preserves and is the current authority on these tulips. Darwin Tulip Coloration Patterns: Image Captions -- left to right: Darwin Tulip Coloration Patterns: Image Captions -- left to right: Image Captions -- left to right: Abe Lenstra, 1952 (HB) "Flower violet rose, edged white; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Adolphe van den Heede, < 1907 (HB) "Flower cochineal-red. Type 3: base circular, or slightly starry blue, each blotch having a spreading white mark along the margin of each segment; Fig. 12. Outer segments a little re- flexed, rounded shoulder; 27 inches; May 7, 16 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Admiral Courbet, <1920 (HB) Afterglow, 1916 (HB) "Flower orange, shot rose." -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Allard Pierson, 1894 (HB) "Flower crimson-maroon. Type 1: colour brilliant. Long, egg-shaped, open segments; 27 inches; April 30, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. All Bright, 1937 (HB) Ankara, 1943 (HB) "Flower yellow." -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Annie Speelman, 1935 (HB) Anthony (Ant.) Roozen, <1892 (HB) "Flower rose. Type 1a: segments with paler margins; base circular, white, with a more or less well-marked pale blue ring; Fig. 17. A bold flower of good form; filaments stained blue; 26 inches; May 3, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Anton Mauve, 1913 (HB) "Flower lilac. Type 1: base white, of the form represented in Fig. 20; filaments white. Form good, substance good; scorches badly; base dull; 25 inches; April 30, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Arentine Arendsen. See: May Queen. Aristocrat, 1935 (HB) "Flower purplish violet; 28 inches (70 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Arlington, 1942 (HB) "Flower blood red; 28 inches (70 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Astra, <1958 (HB) Avanti, <1933 (syn.: Linda.) (HB) "Flower claret, with a lighter edge; 24 inches (60 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Beatrice, <1942 (HB) Baronne de la Tocnaye, 1891 (syn.: Baronne de la Tonnaye.) (HB) "Flower rose. Type 2a: segments with paler margins; base white, of the shape represented in Fig. 20. Well formed; large; filaments violet at apex; 30 inches; May 8, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Baronne de la Tonnaye. See Baronne de la Tocnaye. Baronesse van Heekeren, 1954 (HB) "Flower scarlet." -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Bartigon, 1894 (HB) "Flower cochineal-red. Type 4d: base circular, or slightly starry blue, each blotch having a spreading white mark along the margin of each segment; Fig. 12. A shapely flower of good substance and colour; stem strong; base ring broad, deep blue; 31 inches; May 8, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Bartigon Maxima, 1933 (HB) Basra, 1946 (HB) "Flower lilac." -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Bayonne, 1956 (HB) "Flower lilac purple; 24 inches (60 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Bellagio, 1939 (HB) Bernard van Leer, 1959 (HB) Betsy, 1939 (HB) Beyerinck, <1890 (HB) "Flower rose. Type 1a: segments with paler margins: base circular, white, with a more or less well-marked pale blue ring; Fig. 17. Form good; base dull; 23 inches; May 16, 15 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Black Beauty, 1955 (HB) "Flower black; 26 inches (65 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Black Pearl, 1956 (HB) Bleu Aimable, 1916 (HB) "Flower lilac. Type 3: base blue, with white margins (Fig. 14); filaments blue. Form and substance good, spreading; base bright blue; 30 inches; May 5, 17 days. (Fig. 19.)" -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Bolide, 1943 (HB) Burgomaster Sandberg, <1919 (syn.: Burgomaster ??) (HB) "Flower crimson, maroon." -- TG. Image Index: See Burgomaster at Tulip Gallery. Campfire, <1929 (HB) Cantor, 1960 (HB) "Flower coral pink; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Captain Carlsen, 1952 (HB) Carl Becker, <1908 (HB) "Flower purple; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Centenaire, <1909 (HB) "Flower pale magenta. Large, well formed; base dull; filaments pale blue, rather irregular in height; 29 inches; May 3, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Charles Needham, 1931 (HB) "Flower scarlet; 24 inches (60 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. City of Haarlem, <1908 (HB) "Flower vermilion-scarlet. Type 1: colour brilliant. Clear blue to blue- black base ringed with white and associated with a white, six-rayed star on the outside of the flower, which varies in size with the size of the base. The filaments are blue to blue-black. Large, not so bright as 'Isis,' of fine form and substance; 31 inches; May 8, 19 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Clara Butt, 1889 (HB) "Flower salmon-pink. Form refined, substance good, colour soft and very pleasing; base white, with a small blue-grey blotch on each segment; 23 inches; May 6, 16 days. (Fig. 21.)" -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Cleopatra, 1960 (HB) Copland’s Magenta, 1960 (HB) "Flower reddish magenta; 18 inches (45 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Copland’s Record, 1956 (HB) Cordell Hull, 1933 (HB) Crepuscule (Crépuscule), 1912 (HB) "Flower lilac. Type 3: base blue, with white margins (Fig. 14); filaments blue. Rounded, large; base large, diffuse; 22 inches; May 6, 14 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Cum Laude, 1944 (HB) Darlington, 1933 (HB) Demeter, 1932 (HB) Doctor Cornel Berk, 1959 (HB) Dolores. See: La Tristesse. Donders, 1908 (HB) "Flower crimson-maroon. Type 1: colour brilliant. Form and substance good, opens well; 28 inches . April 30, 21 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Note: Hortus Bulborum and TulipGallery.com list this tulip under 'Professor Donders'. Image Index: See 'Professor Donders' at Tulip Gallery. Dream, <1901 (syn.: Reve de Jeunesse.) (HB) "Flower lilac purple; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Duchess of Westminster. See: Yolande. Duke of Wellington, 1925 "Flower white; 26 inches (65 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Duke of Westminster. See: Excelsior. Early Bartigon, 1942 (HB) Eclipse, 1913 (HB) "Flower crimson. Type 1: colour brilliant. Medium size, opens well, colour good; 28 inches; May 3, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Edison, <1908 (HB) "Flower pale magenta. Large, loose; base as in Fig. 20 with a pale blue margin, filaments blue at apex; 27 inches; May 5, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Electra, <1906 (HB) "Flower lilac, with a lighter edge. Cup-shape, very regular in outline; base white, extensive; 25 inches; May 3, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Europa, <1901 (syn.: Europe.) (HB) "Flower cochineal-red. Type 4: base circular or somewhat like Fig. 20, with a narrow blue or purplish margin. Medium size, refined; base clear white; filaments white; 26 inches; May 5, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Excelsior, <1908 (syn.: Duke of Westminster.) (HB) Farncombe Sanders, 1894 (HB) "Flower cochineal-red. Type 4: base circular or somewhat like Fig. 20, with a narrow blue or purplish margin. Large, refined; colour of a very brilliant shade peculiar to this variety; 30 inches; May 6, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. See also: Mrs. Farr under Broken tulips. Fashion. See: Mrs. Potter Palmer. Faust, 1891 (HB) "Flower purple-black. Large, form good; colour rich, with a striking metallic sheen; 31 inches; April 29, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Favorite, 1960 (HB) "Flower crimson pink; 20 inches (50 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Feu Brilliant, <1908 (HB) "Flower vermilion-scarlet. Type 1: colour brilliant. Clear blue to blue- black base ringed with white and associated with a white, six-rayed star on the outside of the flower, which varies in size with the size of the base. The filaments are blue to blue-black. Large, colour very bright; stem very strong; early; 30 inches; April 29, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Fille Cherie. See: Mauve Clair. Flamingo, <1927 (HB) Fra Angelico, <1895 (HB) "Floweer maroon-black. Type 2: base circular, blue except that each blotch has a broad streak on the margin of each segment, sometimes faintly tinged with yellow. (Fig. 14.) Fine cup-shape, opens well, colour rich, glossy; 26 inches; April 29, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Frans Hals, <1908 (HB) "Flower purple. Type 2: base circular, blue except that each blotch has a broad streak on the margin of each segment, sometimes faintly tinged with yellow. (Fig. 14.) Form and substance good; colour very bright outside; 28 inches; April 30, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Giant, 1900 (HB) "Flower purple. Type 2: base circular, blue except that each blotch has a broad streak on the margin of each segment, sometimes faintly tinged with yellow. (Fig. 14.) Plant very robust; flower large, of fair form; filaments pale blue; 31 inches; May 3, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Glacier, 1927 (syn.: Wildlust.) (HB) Gloria Swanson, 1935 (HB) Glow, <1908 (HB) "Flower vermilion-scarlet. Type 1: colour brilliant. Clear blue to blue- black base ringed with white and associated with a white, six-rayed star on the outside of the flower, which varies in size with the size of the base. The filaments are blue to blue-black. Large, colour very bright; base very clearly defined, clear deep blue; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Golden Age, 1930 (HB) Golden Hind, 1954 (HB) "Flower deep golden yellow; 24 inches (60 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Gretchen, 1904 (syn.: Margaret) (HB) "Flower blush. Type 1: base circular, white, as that represented in Fig. 20 when the colour is distinct. Rounded; clear pale pink; base white, ringed with faint blue; 26 inches; May 6, 18 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Note: Hortus Bulborum places this tulip under the name Gretchen although "Report, 1914-15" places it under Margaret. Gretchen is the Broken form of Margaret. See also Gretchen under Broken tulips. Greuze, 1891 (HB) "Flower violet-purple. Type 2: base more or less circular, blue, except that each blotch has a streak of white along the margins of each segment. (Fig. 14.) Fila-ments more or less blue. Outer segments saccate at base; filaments black; 27 inches; May 3, 16 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Harry Veitch, <1892 (HB) "Flower crimson-maroon. Type 1: colour brilliant. Form and substance good; base sharply defined, good blue; 22 inches; May 4, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Homere, 1919 (HB) Insurpassable, 1932 (HB) Joseph Israels. See: The Sultan. Jubilee, 1912 (HB) "Flower violet-purple. Type 1: base circular, blue, with a white region as represented in Fig. 15. Form good, substance fair; 24 inches; May 4, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Kate Greenaway, <1893 (HB) "Flower blush. Type 2: where the colour is merely flushed there are no definite base markings. Form and substance fair; inside flushed with pale pinkish lilac, outside has a creamy beam speckled with reddish purple at its apex; base blotched with blue around the ovary; 26 inches; May 10, 16 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Kathleen Parlow, <1921 (HB) King George V, 1912 (HB) "Flower cochineal-red. Type 2: base circular or slightly starry blue, except that each blotch has a white streak along the margin of each segment; Fig. 14. Flower short, rounded shoulder; colour very bright; 25 inches; May 6, 16 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. King Harold, 1905 (syn.: Mahogany.) (HB) "Flower crimson-maroon. Type 2: colour dull. Medium size, opens well, dull outside; 27 inches; May 5, 19 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: See Mahogany at Tulip Gallery. La Bella Jardiniere, 1916 (HB) "Flower magenta rose." -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. La Candeur. See: White Queen. La Fiancee (La Fiancée), <1908 (syn.: The Bride.) (HB) "Flower pale magenta. Large, open, with a soft satiny sheen, pale at the margins of the segments; 25 inches; May 6, 15 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. La Tristesse, <1907 (syn.: Dolores.) (HB) "Flower slaty lilac. Type 1: base white, shading to lilac.. Form and substance good; basé tinged with yellow and slaty at the margin; 30 inches; May 10, 14 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. La Tulipe Noire, 1891 (HB) "Flower purple-black. Form and substance good, short, opening well; base slightly streaked with yellow; filaments black; 24 inches; May 5, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Laurentia, <1908 (HB) "Flower cochineal-red. Type 2: base circular or slightly starry blue, except that each blotch has a white streak along the margin of each segment; Fig. 14. Rounded shoulder, colour very bright; base with a narrow blue margin; 26 inches; May 5, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Le Notre, 1919 (HB) Lina Schneider. See: Phyllis. Linda. See: Avanti. Louis XIV, <1913 (HB) "Flower blush violet; 26 inches (65 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Loveliness, <1908 (HB) "Flower rose. Type 2b: segments without paler margins; base white, of the shape represented in Fig. 20. Medium size, short cup, round shoulder; base and filaments very clean, colour clear; 23 inches; May 5, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Madame Butterfly, 1930 (HB) "Flower violet purple; 26 inches (65 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Madame (Mme.) Krelage, <1901 (HB) "Flower rose. Type 2a: segments with pale margins; base white, of the shape represented in Fig. 20. Large, good substance; base greyish; filaments blue at apex; 34 inches; May 5, 19 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Madrigal, 1953 (HB) "Flower deep carmine, carmine rose; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Mahogany. See: King Harold. Malta, 1943 (HB) Mamasa, 1942 (HB) Marathon, 1947 (HB) "Flower pink; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Marble Arch, 1953 (HB) Marconi, 1915 (HB) "Flower purple. Type 1: base circular, blue, with a white region as represented in Fig. 15. Large, of fine form and substance, opening well; base very distinct and striking; 30 inches; May 4, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Margaret. See: Grechen. Note: Hortus Bulborum places this tulip under the name Gretchen although "Report, 1914-15" places it under Margaret. Gretchen is the Broken form of Margaret. See also Gretchen under Broken tulips. Marie. See: Valentine. Maritza, <1931 (HB) "Flower turkey red, flushed carmine; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Marnix van St. Aldegonde, <1915 (HB) "Flower deep salmon; 24 inches (60 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Massachusetts, <1901 (HB) "Flower rose. Type 3ß: segments without paler margins; base more or less circular, indeterminate, blue and white rayed; that represented in Fig. 6 -- may be taken as an average. Large cup; filaments creamy, tinged blue at apex; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Matchless. See: Roi d’Islande. Matterhorn, 1953 (HB) Mauve Clair, <1908 (syn.: Fille Cherie.) (HB) "Flowr lilac, with a lighter edge. Form and substance good, shoulder very square; base blue, with white blotches; 30 inches; May 6, 18 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. May Queen, <1901 (syn.: Arentine Arendsen.) (HB) "Flower pink; 24 inches (60 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Menado, 1942 (HB) "Flower yellow: 24 inches (60 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Minister (Min.) Tak van Poortvliet, 1901 (syn.: Van Poortvliet.) (HB) "Flower cochineal-red. Type 1: base circular or slightly starry blue. Large, short; outside very dark; 29 inches; May 8, 16 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Note: This tulip is under the name 'van Poortyliet' in the "Report, 1914-15". Montgomery, 1945 (HB) "Flower white, edged red; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Most Miles, 1944 (HB) "Flower currant red; 24 inches (60 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Mr. D. T. Fish. See: Mrs. Potter Palmer. Mrs. Grullemans, <1928 (HB) "Flower creamy white; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Mrs. Potter Palmer, <1908 (syn.: Mr. D. T. Fish; Fashion.) (HB) "Flower rosy purple. Type 2: base more or less circular, blue, except that each blotch has a streak of white along the margins of each segment. (Fig. 14.) Fila- ments more or less blue. Medium size, form and substance good; outer segments reflexed when old, and having an almost orange blotch; 31 inches; May 6, 15 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Mrs. Stanley, 1892 (HB) "Flower pale rose. Type 2ß: segments without paler margins; base more or less circular, indeterminate blue and white rayed; that represented by Fig. 6 may be taken as an average. Bold, form good; base colour clear; 27 inches, May 3, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Mr. Van Zijl, 1931 (HB) Nauticus, <1892 (syn.: Sir Edward Grey.) (HB) "Flower pale magenta. Form refined, substance good; base slightly stained green; filaments black; 26 inches; May 4, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Niphetos, 1933 (HB) Nobel, 1940 (HB) "Flower dark geranium lake; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Nora Ware, <1901 (HB) "Flower lilac with a lighter edge. Small to medium size, substance good, colour clear; base white, with a bluish ring; 27 inches; May 5, 21 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Notre Dame, 1944 (HB) Orion, <1908 (HB) "Flower maroon-scarlet. Type 2: colour dull. Circular dull blue base, except that each blotch has a streak of white along the margins of the segment. The outside of the flower has white segment-margins corresponding with those of the inside. Filaments blue to blue-black. Large, remaining open; base small; stem very strong; 19 inches; May 6, 15 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Ouida, <1902 (HB) "Flower vermilion-scarlet. Type 1: colour brilliant. Clear blue to blue- black base ringed with white and associated with a white, six-rayed star on the outside of the flower, which varies in size with the size of the base. The filaments are blue to blue-black.Large; base pale; 29 inches; May 6, 19 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Painted Lady, <1901 (HB) "Flower blush. Type 2: where the colour is merely flushed there are no definite base markings. Form and substance good; white, slightly flushed with lilac-pink, deeper at segment tips; filaments deep blue; stem purplish; 33 inches; May 6, 18 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Pandion, 1951 (HB) "Flower purple, edged white; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Peking, <1927 (HB) Perry Como, 1955 (HB) Philippe de Comines, 1891 (HB) "Flower purple-black. Type 2: base circular, blue except that each blotch has a broad streak on the margin of each segment, sometimes faintly tinged with yellow. (Fig. 14.) Long, shoulder rounded, substance good; 30 inches; April 30, 18 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Philip Snowdon, 1933 (HB) "Flower crimson carmine; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Phyllis, <1908 (syn.: Lina Schneider.) (HB) "Flower blush." -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Pink Attraction, 1944 (HB) Pink Supreme, 1947 (HB) Poissy, 1954 (HB) "Flower pale rose pink; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Pride of Haarlem, 1894 (HB) "Flowr cerise. A very vigorous variety; flower large, well formed, opening well, rounded shoulder; 30 inches; April 29, 21 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Pride of Zwanenburg, 1932 (HB) "Flower salmon pink; 24 inches (60 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Prince of the Netherlands, 1942 "Flower cerise; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Princess Amalia, 1908 (HB) "Flower cerise. A cup-shaped flower, colour bright; 23 inches; May 5, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Princess Elizabeth, 1898 (syn.: Princesse Elisabeth.) (HB) "Flower rose. Type 2a: segments with paler margins; base white, of the shape represented in Fig. 20. Form and substance good; base clearly defined; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Princess Juliana, 1910 (syn.: Sweetheart.) (HB) "Flower cochineal-red. Type 3: base circular, or slightly starry blue, each blotch having a spreading white mark along the margin of each segment; Fig. 12. Shapely, rounded shoulder; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Prince of the Netherlands, <1908 (HB) "Flower cerise. Large, opening well; outer segments reflexed; base dull; 28 inches; May 6, 19 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Professor (Prof.) Donders. See: Donders. Note: "Reoprt, 1914-15" describes this tulip under the name 'Donders", but Hortus Bulborum lists it under the name 'Professor Donders". Professor (Prof.) Mac Owen, <1892 (HB) Professor (Prof.) Rauwenhof, <1908 (HB) "Flower cochineal-red. Type 3: base circular, or slightly starry blue, each blotch having a spreading white mark along the margin of each segment; Fig. 12. Large, refined; 29 inches; May 6, 16 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Prunus, 1938 (HB) Prunus, ?? (HB) Psyche, <1901 (HB) "Flower pale rose. Type 1ß: segments without paler margins; base circular, white, with a more or less well-marked pale blue ring (Fig. 17). Rather large; base creamy, filaments white; 32 inches; May 4, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Pygmalion, <1902 (HB) "Flower rosy lilac. Long, of good form and substance; 24 inches; May 6, 15 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Queen Flora. See: Sieraad van Flora. Queen Mary, <1913 (HB) "Flower rose. Type 3a: segments with paler margins; base more or less circular, indeterminate, blue and white rayed; that represented in Fig. 6 may be taken as an average. A variety similar to but slightly darker than 'Bijou'; 27 inches; May 10, 12 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Queen of (the) Bartigons, 1944 (HB) "Flower pure salmon pink; 24 inches (60 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Queen of Night, 1944 (HB) Querida, 1943 (HB) Red Pitt, 1942 (HB) Reliance, 1938 (HB) "Flower lilac shaded silver; 26 inches (65 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Remembrance, <1908 (HB) "Flower slaty lilac. Type 2: base circular, blue, each blotch with a white streak along the margin of the segment. Filaments blue to blue-black. Large, form and substance good; base small; 23 inches; May 3, 20 days. -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Reve de Jeunesse. See: Dream. Reverend (Rev.) H. Ewbank, <1901 (HB) "Flower lilac. Type 3: base blue, with white margins (Fig. 14); filaments blue. Form good; colour clear, but pale and dusty at the segment margins; base dull; 25 inches; April 30, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Reverend (Rev.) H.H. d’Ombrain, <1892 (HB) "Flower vermilion-scarlet. Type 1: colour brilliant. Clear blue to blue- black base ringed with white and associated with a white, six-rayed star on the outside of the flower, which varies in size with the size of the base. The filaments are blue to blue-black. Large; base very large; 25 inches; May 6, 15 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Roi d’Islande, <1912 (syn.: Matchless.) (HB) Ronald Gunn, <1908 (HB) "Flower slaty lilac. Type 2: base circular, blue, each blotch with a white streak along the margin of the segment. Filaments blue to blue-black. Form and substance good, dusky; 25 inches; May 4, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Rose Copland, 1918 (syn.: William Copland Rose.) (HB) A sport of William Copland. "Fuchsine rose; 18 inches (45 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Santa Rosa, 1929 (HB) "Flower raspberry red; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Scarlet Beauty, 1938 (HB) Scarlet O’Hara, 1943 (HB) Scarlet Sensation, 1942 (HB) Scarlet Splendour, 1943 (HB) "Flower geranium red; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Scotch Lassie, <1942 (HB) "Flower deep lavender, 24 inches (60 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Shanghai, 1955 (HB) "Flower yellow; 20 inches (50 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Sieraad van Flora, <1892 (syn.: Queen Flora.) (HB) "Flower rose. Type 3ß: segments without paler margins; base more or less circular, indeterminate, blue and white rayed; that represented in Fig. 6 may be taken as an average. Large, opening well, substance good; base large; 27 inches; April 29, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Sir Edward Grey. See: Nauticus. Sir Trevor Lawrence, 1913 (HB) "Flower purple. Type 1: base circular, blue, with a white region as represented in Fig. 15. Large, form and substance good; shoulder square; filaments white; 34 inches; May 3, 21 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Sophrosyne, <1893 (HB) "Flower pale rose. Type 2a: segments with paler margins; base more or less circular, indeterminate blue and white rayed; that represented by Fig. 6 may be taken as an average. Pale, margins of the segments tinged with flesh colour; filaments blue; 21 inches; May 7, 22 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Sundew, 1930 (HB) Sunkist, 1933 (HB) "Flower deep yellow; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Sweetheart. See: Princess Juliana. Sweet Lavender. See: William Copland. Tamara, 1942 (HB) The Bishop, 1908 (HB) "Flower violet-purple. Type 2: base more or less circular, blue, except that each blotch has a streak of white along the margins of each segment. (Fig. 14.) Filaments more or less blue. Form and substance good; base small, dull; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. The Bride. See: La Fiancee. The Sultan, 1896 (syn.: Joseph Israels.) (HB) "Flower maroon-black. Form good; colour very deep; 27 inches; May 4, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Thorbecke, 1920 (HB) "Flower red." -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Tindal, 1931 (HB) (C. G. van) Tubergen’s Glory, 1931 (HB) Union Jack, 1958 (HB) "Flower raspberry red on ivory white; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Utopia, 1935 (HB) Valentine, <1908 (syn.: Marie; Valentin.) "Flower violet-purple. Type 2: base more or less circular, blue, except that each blotch has a streak of white along the margins of each segment. (Fig. 14.) Filaments more or less blue. A robust plant; flower early, large, opening well; colour light but good; filaments blue above the middle; 35 inches; April 29, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Van Poortvliet. See: Minister (Min.) Tak van Poortvliet. Victoire d’Oliviera, <1908 (HB) "Flower crimson-maroon. Type 1: base circular, blue. (Fig. 18.) Identical with 'Harry Veitch' except that the base is slaty black; 23 inches; May 6, 16 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Victor Mundi, 1952 (HB) "Flower deep red; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Vredehof, 1950 (HB) "Flower bluish violet; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Whistler, <1892 (HB) "Flower vermilion-scarlet. Type 1: colour brilliant. Clear blue to blue- black base ringed with white and associated with a white, six-rayed star on the outside of the flower, which varies in size with the size of the base. The filaments are blue to blue-black. Medium size; colour deep, outside with a dull bloom; 27 inches; May 5, 19 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. White Queen, <1892 (syn.: La Candeur.) (HB) Wilhelm Tell, 1944 (HB) Wildlust. See: Glacier. William Copland, 1891 (syn.: Sweet Lavender.) (HB) "Flower pale magenta. Oval, shapely, colour dull; base circular, with a blue ring (Fig. 16); filaments blue; 26 inches; April 30, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. William Copland Rose. See Rose Copland. William Pitt, 1891 (HB) "Flower cochineal-red. Type 2: base circular or slightly starry blue, except that each blotch has a white streak along the margin of each segment; Fig. 14. Large, long; base dull; 27 inches May 4, 17 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Wim van Est, 1952 (HB) "Flower rosy red; 24 inches (60 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Yellow Giant, 1926 (HB) "Flower golden yellow; 22 inches (55 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Yolande, <1908 (syn.: Duchess of Westminster.) (HB) "Flower salmon-pink. Long, shoulder rounded, deep rose-pink, heavily flushed with salmon; base as in Fig. 20, yellowish; filaments yellowish; 23 inches; May 6, 14 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Zulu, 1898 (HB) "Flower purple-black. Of medium size, pointed; good substance; base has a white triangle around the ovary; 31 inches; May 5, 20 days." -- Report, 1914-15 / Darwin Tulips. Image Index: Tulip Gallery. Zwanenburg, 1912 (HB) "Flower pure white; 20 inches (50 cm)" -- TG. Image Index: Tulip Gallery.
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